Today was Dason's first day of 6th grade he was really excited and not scared at all. He set his alarm and was up and ready and came and woke me up, it is nice to know that he is becoming so independant. This is the first year that I have been ready for school to start. At his age he is always wanting to do something that involves money and he was getting hard to entertain all day with out putting a negative in my bank account. We had a great Summer and I can't believe he is in the 6th grade it seems like yesterday I was taking him to preschool. Hope you have a great day today Dason, I am so proud of you.
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2 months ago
Dason, You look like a total stud! I can't believe your in 6th Grade already, I just went to see when you were born like yesterday wasn't it? I bet all the girls chase you around at recess! Hope you had a great first day dude!
Dason says thank you and that he wants to get together with Baylor
Wow big 6th grader! Jodi your blog has turned out so cute! Ashley's little Jerzi is so cute. She looks like a little doll with all that hair. What a cutie!
Texie let me just tell you that Marley got ripped off in the baby contest she should have won something she is so beautiful
Thanks! Your so nice! I think she's beautiful as well, but all moms think that there kids are the cutest so maybe I'm just prejudice. Better luck next time.
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