Look at her go! What a natural, she really surprised us when she got on the field she was really aggressive and really went for the ball. She did AWESOME!

Presley was so excited to have both her brothers Taylor and Dason there to watch her play and they both thought it was great watching her. She loves her brothers so much! Her dad and Grammy was also there to give them her support. You did GREAT Presley and I cant wait til next Sat to see you at it again.
Looks like she's going to take after her auntie Ashley? You can see in that one picture she is just naturally athletic! and beautiful like her mother:)
You are right about Ashley but she looks like her daddy. How come your kids are going to school at Uintah?
GOOOO Presley!!!
hi jodi!! ur family is so cute!! i love ur page thanks 4 getting ahold of me =) love ang
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