Yesterday Lane went to the BYU game and was so sweet to bring my kids back something you should have seen the look on Dason's face when he gave him this hat, he was so excited and boy does he look handsome. Thank you Lane
I have been blessed with a gift of organizing and cleaning. I love to help other people find ways to make their lives easier by becoming organized and less stressful. I am a single mom of two beautiful children and I have been successful in teaching my children since they were young, that everything has a place from toys, clothes, books. I have taught them that they need to be responsible and respect their belongings enough to take care of them. I enjoy what I do it allows me to spend the time needed with my kids and still have a passion of my own.
Oh Dason what a little stud muffin! Presley's slide is cute. And i am the giant in the witchapalooza pic!
PLEASE, BYU????? I guess it was a nice gesture to get gifts, but of all gifts BYU!!!! GAG Myself!
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