Presley's preschool class went to Day Farms today for a field trip, we all got to pick a pumpkin it was alot of fun. Thank you Mrs. Hillary!

here are the pumpkins we ended up getting, Presley's is the smallest and mine is the middle and her Dad's is the biggest.

Presley and Gracie loaded up ready to go back for a snack

Presley and her dad
Fun field trip!! Presley is geting so big and old it's sad! She is so freaking cute!!
You guys look like you had a fun time!!! The Pic's are adorable...Save the pumpkin seeds for me:)
Hey I saw your comment and just wanted to let you know that Lane is going to email you this weekend and hasn't yet because he does not have access to a computer until tomorrow. Looks like the pumpkin patch was fun!
Your family is so cute. I can't believe how big your kids are. Sad how quick they grow up.
I just saw your comment on our blog. Caid had a tumor in one of his sinus cavities that they had to remove. They had to cut his head from just in front of his ear to the top of his head. It took two weeks to get the results back on whether it had cancer or not. We were more than relieved to find out it was benign.
I just tagged you:)Check out my blog...
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